Can you help the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department?

Historical assistance requested to celebrate 100 years of NBVFD contributions to the community
North Beach Volunteer fire department

February 28, 2024 (Chesapeake Beach, MD) - The brave men and women volunteers of the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department (NBVFD) are seeking the help of longtime residents and descendants of residents of the Twin Beaches to check your attics, back corners of your closets for any memorabila of the NBVFD. As the NBVFD inches closer to their 100 year anniversary and are making preparations for a community celebration to commemorate all that the Fire Department has contributed to the community, they would love to access any and all items that show the history of the Fire Department. 

How to provide documents or items to the NBVFD: Anyone who wishes to provide memorabilia can contact the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department Public Information Officer via: and an appointment will be made with them to either scan the item(s) or secure them if they are donating them to the Department. 

A message from NBVFD
