Chesapeake Beach Water Park

A municipally owned Water Park at the Heart of the Town of Chesapeake Beach - currently under Renovations

Chesapeake Beach Water Park

Updates related to the Chesapeake Beach Water Park - Closed for the 2024 Season

Ongoing Improvements Underway

Investigation and exploration of dynamic site conditions currently underway to include surveying, geo-technical engineering and feasibility studies.


The Town of Chesapeake Beach owns and operates the Chesapeake Beach Water Park - the only municipally owned Water Park in Maryland. The Park has operated within its current location at the center of the Town for 29 years, well more than its 25-year useful life. Due to the current site conditions, repairs and reconfiguration are required at the Park, resulting in its closure for the 2024 season. While the decision to close the Park for this season was challenging, it is necessary to provide a safe recreational amenity for staff employment and to benefit all Town citizens.

The Park is built on a tidal wetland creating dynamic conditions. While a majority of the Park is on pilings to provide stability to these dynamic conditions, there are also large areas that are not on pilings. This condition has created a situation where portions of the Park are sinking substantially, resulting in cracking and disconnecting of mechanical support systems that operate the pools. These necessary systems are within confined spaces that are unstable and unsafe for staff to enter altering the Towns ability to continue operations within the Parks current configuration. 

Looking Forward: 


Town Council and Town staff are committed to providing swift and efficient solutions to restore this longstanding and loved recreational amenity. The intent is to construct the Park within the existing pilings for the support necessary for a improved asset that will last the Town another 25 years. To make these necessary capital improvements we are currently in the planning stages incorporating community members feedback. Our first step in this process was to seek a design / build firm to take on the entire project from start to finish; however, the Town received zero interest from design / build firms due to the current site conditions and unknowns related to the project. In response to this, the Town Council authorized the expenditure to complete additional surveying and geo-technical studies and to complete a comprehensive feasibility study, designed to determine the associated costs for improved pool elements based on the site's conditions and to further investigate the site to document conditions. 

To view Quick Facts related to the Park and the improvement process currently underway, please click here. Stay tuned for further updates! 

We Heard Your Feedback!:


Community Opinion Survey

Community Opinion Survey: The Town initiated a community opinion survey at the close of the 2023 season as a method to engage the public and collect citizen opinion within categories of interest as improvements to the park are considered by Town Council. A total of 1,870 participants responded to the survey. The input is summarized to understand community opinion as a tool for the elected body of Town Council to make decisions related to the upcoming improvements required at the Chesapeake Beach Water Park. The focus of the survey is to gain insight into the self reported desires of Town residents, Town businesses, County residents and guests of the Town to understand what is valued as improvements are considered. As improvements are considered, the Town Council prioritizes that Town taxpayer funds are allocated responsibly, transparently and for residents benefits. To view the full community opinion survey report click here