Making a Difference one Planting at a Time

The Chesapeake Beach Green Team and Boy Scout Troop 429

October 16, 2023 (Chesapeake Beach, MD)- The Town of Chesapeake Beach Green Team and Boy Scout Troop 429 where busy over the weekend planting around Town. The new plantings have multiple benefits - they are not only appealing to view, but they also clean our waterways and reduce stormwater run off.  

The team planted small deciduous native shrubs on 17th and B street that will offer spring flowers, berries in the winter and a beautiful fall color. The shrubs have an added benefit of supporting wildlife such as birds and butterflies and to help absorb and filter stormwater run off before it enters the Bay. The team also planted trees at the Town's water tower facility on Dark Star Lane in the community of Chesapeake Village. These trees will provide beautiful flowers, berries and fall color, will support wildlife and provide a screening of public infrastructure from neighboring properties.  

The Town purchased the trees and shrubs through TREE-MENDOUS MARYLAND, a program of the Maryland Forest Service, that remains one of our most popular programs aimed at helping citizens restore tree cover on public land and community open space in Maryland. To date, the program has assisted more than 3,000 towns and communities, parks, and schools planting trees and shrubs to help clean the water, clean the air, and keep our towns and cities inviting, livable, and environmentally viable places to live. Tree-mendous Maryland’s goal is to help Maryland residents have access to affordable trees to plant on their public lands. With permission from land owners, volunteers can plant trees at schools, in state and community parks, local open space, street trees and more. Gather your friends, scout troop or classmates and plant a tree today to clean your air, clean your water and beautify your home town!​​

Thank you to our Town volunteers for all of their work to keep public spaces beautiful and to continually improve the sustainability of the Town. 

Chesapeake Beach Green Team

Chesapeake Beach Green Team

Green Team Images
